Released in 2002
Image found on IMDB
Today's offering is has an interesting premise even though it's carried out in a somewhat cheese-ball manner despite it's 2002 release. Spliced, a.k.a. The Wisher, has an 80s feel to it, as though it were recorded through an old analog video, not the digitized versions we've been getting used to, and in some cases expecting, from Hollywood and indie films. It's very grainy whether on purpose or not, it doesn't add to the effect of the film, but detracts from it. I like the premise of the movie. The acting, outside of Ron Silver, may have been lacking and the effects cheese-ball, but the story itself was interesting enough to keep me watching to find out what happens.
The setting could be any big city (sorry, can't remember the name of the city used). We have Mary, a 17 year-old high school student obsessed with scary movies to the point she sleepwalks in her nightmares, only to find herself in very dangerous situations. On more than one occasion, she finds herself standing in the middle of the street, having no idea how she got there. In a conversation with her high school counselor, played by Ron Silver, she claims to be turned on, or sexually excited, by the fear she feels watching scary movies. The problem is so severe that her father forbids her from seeing this new slasher flick, The Wisher, but she lies and goes anyway. Her parents are surprised by this. Duh! She's a teenager, what else would she do?
Anyway, the flick within the movie is where this premise falls short of its promise. It's hard to believe that this person, so into horror movies would even consider going to see one with as lame a premise as this one, let alone finding it so scary she gets sick in the theater and doesn't even get passed the beginning.
Of course, her lame-ass reaction to the movie makes her think there's something more to this, especially since she starts seeing "The Wisher" in real life, even though no one else does. Not only does she see him, but people around her begin to die. It isn't until she reads a newspaper article that she starts suspecting something really funky is going on. She does some research and begins to think that there's something up with the reel-film itself, and goes to look through the film.
Of course, it just so happens that her friend works in the film booth, so she can easily gain access to the film. She finds frames with weird symbols on them scattered throughout the movie.
Like I said, interesting premise, but that's where it starts to lose me, but by this time, I've watched too much of the movie to stop watching, even though I want to.
Basically, the frames are subliminal messages that infect some viewers, and provide the reason for her illness, because she's "more resistant." Um, ok. The killer turns out to be a local kid, a friend, who was "infected" and so obsessed with the movie that he saw himself as the villain from the slasher movie. Again, cool premise. However, how do you get rid of "the wisher"? You tell him to die and he kills himself. Huh? How is that supposed to be even remotely scary?
Okay, at this point, I suppose I should talk about "the wisher" himself. Well, the costume is so cheesy and kind of a rip-off of other killers. Basically, "the wisher," is looks kind of like a walking tree with a white face and what must be glass blades for fingers. At the end of the movie, in true info-dump style, you find out that kids all over the country are being effected by this movie.
Here's the real reason why this flops - there is no true antagonist and it tries to do too much in one movie and falls short. It would have been better off if it were separated into two different movies.
"The Wisher" could have been a simple slasher flick - with a good premise to that plus decent writing and acting, it could be interesting. I keep thinking a movie like this was made, and was one of the "8 films to die for" a couple of years ago, but I can't be sure. If I ever find that movie, I'll add a comment.
"Spliced" could have, and in my opinion should have, focused on the subliminal messages in the movies storyline. It could have been a killer suspense flick. It would have made more sense for the lead to stumble upon the frames, take the idea to a cop, have to convince him of the truth, and then get chased by killers trying to prevent them from discovering the truth.
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